
Community Living & Support

Community Living and Support is an individualized service that assists Individuals to live successfully in their own home by providing natural supports for them and their family. We encourage individuals to be active members of their community while working with a Direct Support Professional (DSP). A DSP assists the person in learning new skills and/or supports the person in activities that are individualized and aligned with the person’s preferences.  Community Living and Support enables the Individual to learn new skills, practice and/or improve existing skills.

Supported Employment

Supported Employment assists individuals with developing skills to seek, obtain and maintain competitive employment or develop and operate a micro-enterprise. These employment positions are based on an individual’s preferences, strengths and experiences. Job seeking can be difficult but is not based on a pool of jobs that are available or set aside specifically for individuals with disability. Coaching and employment support activities enable an individual to complete initial job training and develop skills necessary to maintain employment. We assist individuals through activities such as: assistance in job tasks, work adjustment training and counseling.

Community Networking

This service takes place in the community and is intended to offer Individuals the opportunity to develop meaningful community relationships with non-disabled individuals. Services are designed to promote maximum participation in community life while developing natural supports within integrated settings. Community Networking services enable the individual to increase or maintain their capacity for independence and develop social roles valued by non-disabled members of the community.


Residential supports provides individualized services and supports to enable a person to live successfully in a group Home or Alternative Family Living (AFL) setting. Residential supports, aids the Individuals in learning new skills, practice and/or improvement of existing skills and retaining skills to assist them in completing activities to their level of independence. With these supports an Individual can increase or maintain life skills, have supervision when needed, maximize their self-sufficiency, increase self-determination and ensure the person’s opportunity to have full membership within their community.

Respite Care

Respite services provide periodic or scheduled support and relief for primary caregivers. This enables the primary caregiver to meet or participate in planned or emergency events and to have planned time for themselves and/or family members. This service also enables the individual to receive periodic support and relief from the primary caregiver at their choice. NC Innovations respite may also be used to provide temporary relief to individuals who reside in Licensed and Unlicensed AFL’s.